I wanted to make super cute tags, but as with everything I ran out of time and steam. |
So Pork Chop is 8 now, and I am not as cool as I used to be. I really thought I had until he was at least 10 before that happened. But alas my kid is growing too fast. There was a class trip and I said I would volunteer. I am so lucky that at work we get one day a year to volunteer and get paid for it. I mean really, how cool is that?
Simple as that, print it onto icing sheets! |
So I got the letter that he was going to the Royal Winter Fair. I used to take him every year, but there is less and less to do for kids his age. I mean it's not bad, but for the price for us it's just not something I plan to do any more until he is older and asks to go.
Fun fact when I went with him when he was 4 or 5 I met a lady and for some reason the topic of weight loss came up, and she told me about having gastric bypass. And that was how I got myself into the topic and got myself taken care of. Weird how things work out I tell you.
This was the set up, cookies, icing sheets and somewhere was the icing too. |
Anyway, I told him I would go and he was all "ok" then I go to work and book the day and get it all set, and the next day he tells me he wants to go with his friends mom. Sigh.
I told him I was still going and that I was going to spend time with him, and that we would have fun. I then said I would make cookies for his class. I am officially uncool, and attempting to win the cool kids over with cookies.
I am getting smarter, instead of lining my table with cookies I put them on trays so I can move them around. It only took me like 3 years to finally do this. |
So I went on line to find a logo for the fair. And can I tell you that they have the most boring logo ever. I mean really, I wanted a circle, because I like to work with those, less work really. And all I got were rectangles. So I got Hubby to work his magic, no idea how he did it, and really I better not ask. He may expect me to clean something to thank him, and we all know that's not going to happen.
See my little tooth pick thingy, it is amazing, I love it! |
So I baked a butt load of cookies, and yes I know to say butt load in a sentence with cookies is sort of gross, BUT what can you do. Did you see what I did there? Never mind.
I outline them all first. |
So I was going to have to work this weird, as I had to work one evening that week and the trip was on Friday. So Monday I mixed up a double batch of sugar cookie dough. I was able to get it all in my mixer it was awesome to be able to make one batch rather than two separate ones. Then I let it chill over night.
Then I go back and flood them |
The next night I rolled, cut, froze then baked the cookies. As that was going on I printed out the logos on my edible printer and I cut the circles out. Then once the cookies were cool I outlined and flooded them. And then went back and lightly brushed the tops of the cookies with light corn syrup. The icing had set enough for a little bit of pressure but if you put too much it would crack and smoosh the icing. So using a light hand I painted them with corn syrup then laid the printed image on top. I smoothed it out with my finger tip and left them to dry.
All logo'd up. |
I left them for two nights because I wanted to make sure they were perfectly dry, and I also had to work one night so had no time to finish them. So Thursday night I made a small batch of black icing and outlined them, I wanted something fancy but I didn't really have time and I needed it to dry fast. So I did an outline and then sprinkled on some black disco dust, because the logo needed something. But I had not used black before and it was not sparkly at all on the black icing. It would have been great on white icing, but what can you do. So I just did outlines on the rest.
All done! |
I pointed the fan at them and left them while we went to parent teacher night. When we got home I used a dry paint brush to get off the extra disco dust on the few I did, then bagged them up, being very careful not to ruin the outline that may not be 100% dry.
Just so you can see how I sprinkle my disco dust. Cute little shakers. |
I am so embarrassed with how crappy they look, but I was tired and figured the kids would care less. |
So the day of the trip I go in and the teacher gives us our groups. I had Pork Chop and two other boys. And we were told to basically have fun and do what we wanted. So we got on the bus, which had the craziest bus driver ever. The kids loved her. She told them as long as they stayed in their seats and listened they could listen to music and be as loud as they wanted. Well then she put on the radio and Gangam Style came on and the kids were screaming and doing the dance in their seats. It was hilarious. Also did you know that 8 year olds like to change the words to songs? I cannot type it here, but they make up their own word, enough said.
All bagged up and ready to go. |
So we get to the fair and the boys some how found this bull ride first thing. So they all had a turn but I was not fast enough to get Pork Chops picture, I got a sideways picture. It was great. The boys loved it. We saw cows, and they all screamed when they saw one pooping and they rode a pretend horse. They made goop and they got potatoes and carrots to take home. And it was great.
Go Pork Chop go!! |
After that super long day we got back to school and Pork Chop handed out his cookies. We then went to a super amazing kitchen store and I shopped like crazy. Why? Well I was very lucky to have been given a gift certificate from a friend for making her wedding desert table. It was amazing and I didn't even spend it all yet!
After that big Friday, we settled in and Pork Chop got his braces put on the next day. He was very upset and I get that. I think he is getting used to it now, so perfect teeth here we come!
These are the left over cookies I had, I wrote on them for my friends at work who had kids. The thing 1, well there are four kids and for the life of me I could not remember their names. But one of them had a shirt with that on it, so they all got thing cookies. The other people, well they still got cookies but I didn't do anything fancy. They still ate them all though! |
Your posts are so entertaining~thought the cookies looked good:):)I bet the kids did too!!!
Even if Pork Chop doesn't think so, I can tell you that you are a cool mom, spending all that time making cookies for his class. I think my daughter has the same bus driver that took you to the fair. She says that all the time. LOL!
Glad to hear Pork Chop is getting used to his braces. He will thank you for them...one day.
Looks like a great school outing and I'm sure your lovely cookies were devoured!
Dang it! I want that printer!!!!!
Oy vey! My son is starting the braces thing too. I'm not super excited for the whole thing but.... I apparently don't get a say =o)
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