Will you be mine? ( I know, how dorky can you get.) |
Firstly I want to announce the winner of the My Little Cupcake mold set winner. I am so excited that so many of you entered. I really hope the winner enjoys these little molds and makes something super cute with them:)
There were a total of 61comments, but only 50 qualified, and I used Random.org to conduct the draw.
So the winner is #19, which is Kluckingbear. Please contact me with your mailing address, I will also try to contact you. You have 48 hours to contact me or I will have to choose another winner. Thanks all for commenting, I hope you stick around to comment on this giveaway also!
So now on to my super amazing cupcake post, and cupcake giveaway!
I know that almost everyone loves cupcakes, I mean what's not to love? They are cakes that you don't have to share, that in my books is huge! So for this I wanted to make something from a box mix, but none of the recipes I looked at were doing it for me, not sure why. So I went on line and found a recipe for red velvet cupcakes. I wanted red because I figure valentines day is coming up, and that would be perfect.
I also had a play date with Pork chop and his little friend, so that meant I had someone to send some home with and to have decorate them. It was a win win situation.
I think I like sprinkles the most, then Pork chop, then Hubby. They know how they rate in my life. |
I have a fondness for cupcakes for a few reasons, let me list them, because I know you need to know how my mind works.
My List for why Cupcakes Rule!
-they are cute
-they are easy to make and frost
-they are way easier to serve than a cake, this is a huge factor
-you can have different flavors and try them all
-if you drop it, you still have more, drop a cake and well you are eating floor cake, gross!
-you can decorate your cupcakes with cute liners, picks and sprinkles
Well you get the idea, they are just awesome! So here is the cupcake that I tried out today.
Red Velvet Cupcakes
from All recipes.com
makes about 20
1/2 cup butter
1 1/2 cups sugar
2 eggs
1 cup butter milk *
1 oz red food colouring **
1 TSP vanilla
1 1/2 TSP baking soda
1 TBPS white vinegar
2 cups all purpose flour
1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa
1 TSP salt
*I never buy butter milk, so I just make my own. Put 1 TBSP of white vinegar in a measuring cup, fill up to the 1 cup with milk, stir and let sit for 5 minutes, and there you go.
**1 OZ equals 2 TBSPs
See how it looks curdled, it still all worked out though. |
-beat butter and sugar until fluffy, add all the wet ingredients and mix well ( at this point it looked like my butter had curdled and I was worried, but after mixing it all together it still looked the same, but baked up fine. I think it was the vinegar.)
-add dry ingredients and mix until just combined
-spoon into cupcake liners and bake for about 14 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the middle comes out clean.
These are Pork chops, you can tell by the one he tried to drown in sprinkles. We ended up sending them to day care for his PD day. |
*1/2 cup each of butter and shortening, beat together and add icing sugar and milk until it is as thick as you want and you have the amount you want
These are his friends, which I sent home with him. He is so slow, he puts on one sprinkle at a time almost, it is so cute. And both boys kept asking for icing eyeballs, I said no, eyeballs are not for pink cupcakes. I am the mom and I make the rules! |
And here is one of mine. The icing heart on top was bought at the baking warehouse, so cute. |
Now on to the give away!!!
I wanted to give one reader the chance to win a cupcake charm. I looked at all of them and could not decide on which one to give away. So I asked Peggy if she would be willing to work with my winner to make them a charm any way they like, and she said "of course I will!" You gotta love Peggy.
So firstly I want to show you the two new ones I got, I have 4 now and I am cut off. I could have one in every colour.
The first one I ordered was to remind me of Hubby, even though he has a bad rap here, he isn't that bad really. I sort of like him. Hubby may not like to eat the things I bake, but he does have one thing he loves that is sweet. And that is mint chocolate chip ice cream. That is the first thing I remember about him, anything mint chocolate. My little Pork Chop shares his love and could eat mint Areo bars all day long. So I asked for a chocolate cupcake with minty green icing and chocolate sprinkles. I think Peggy nailed it!
I will call it the Hubby cupcake, and sorry about the bad pictures, you cannot win them all you know. |
Then I asked for a Tiffany blue cupcake, with dark brown accents. I have to say, the reason I wanted this colour is that at my new job they have these Tiffany eye glass frames that I am in love with. I don't know why, I think the colours speak to me. They say crazy things, like buy a new cupcake charm and eat more cupcakes. It's scary really. So Peggy made me my little Tiffany cupcake, and it was perfect.
![]() |
These are just a few ideas for you all. |
So whatever your imagination can think up, you can share it with Peggy and I bet it will be even better than you think. So start thinking people, because the winner of this contest is going to get their choice of one custom cupcake charm. All you have to do to win is one of the following. Please make sure you read the rules, as only qualifying entries will be counted.
Leave a comment and let me know what sort of cupcake charm you would like. ( You can totally change your mind if you win, it's not written in stone.)
You can earn extra entries by doing the following, just do it and come back and leave me a comment to let me know.
-visit Peggy's site and let me know
-share my blog with someone and let me know, I love new readers
-become a follower, I love following other blogs, so would love it if you follow mine, just let me know you did, and if you are already a follower let me know
-follow my face book page, but you have to leave the comment here to have it count, and if you already follow my page let me know
The Rules:*****make sure you answer the skill testing question in each entry*****
-Each entry must have the answer to this skill testing question 14-4=? So any entry without that will not be counted
-winner is responsible for any duty charged when the item is delivered
-the contest is open to all USA, Canadian (except Quebec, sorry) and Internationale readers
-the prize is for one custom cupcake charm, no chain or substitutions
-the winner will be picked by Random.org from all qualifying entries, as some entries will not qualify and I may even comment, I will number entries starting with the first and work my way to the end to calculate the number of entries in total
-entries will be accepted until 12 noon (Toronto time) Wednesday February 1, 2012 ( happy birthday Hubby!) as comments are moderated as long as they hit my mail box before the dead line they will still qualify
-the winner will be announced and they have 48 hours to contact me or I choose another winner, please add a way for me to contact you in your comment if you can or make sure to check back, if you are a follower you will see when new posts go up
And I think that is it. So please enter as many ways as you can and I cannot wait to see what cupcake the winner ends up picking! I will be posting a picture of it on a future post, because I am nosy like that and want to see it.
*prize supplied by me, I am not being paid or compensated in any way. I just love these pendants and Peggy was so wonderful to agree and work with me!*

I love your little pink cupcake stand, very cute. I also enjoyed your Cupcake Rules list! Yay for sprinkles, may no 2 cupcakes look alike!
I always love your posts! Red Velvet is my very favorite cake so I am drooling over here. Will have to try this recipe. They all look great, no matter how many sprinkles they have!
The cupcake charms are darling. I'm partial to the Tiffany blue one!
Great post. I forgot to answer the skills test. You have a lot of rules! :-) Let's see: if my old math class serves correctly, 14-4 = 10.
Oooooh, after visiting Peggy's site, I might have to change my cupcake choice to that gorgeous Red Velvet glass one. 14-4=10.
Sue, I thought I was already a follower of your blog and was embarrassed to see that I was not. Sorry about that. It's been rectified now. 14-4=10. Hugs!
Thanks guys, I know it's a lot of rules but I read all I could to make sure I would not get in trouble and to win a prize in Canada they said you have to answer a skill testing question. So I do it just to be safe:)
14-4=10. I love the dark blue one with the red heart on it but I would put a red bottom on it.
14-4=10. I am a follower.
I visited Peggy's store and am now in awe of this VERY talented woman. I may be in trouble if I stay there looking to long. I want one of those and some of theses...and 14-4=10. I also favorited her shop.
You make the most beautiful creations!
Gorgeous and I love your pink cake stand!
I think I'd want a pink wrapper with white frosting and little flowers, but maybe sprinkles. It's hard to decide!
I just love the little gumball machine in Peggy's shop!
I follow your blog! Love your recipes. My daughter really wants some red velvet cupcakes, so I'll try that one soon. :)
I follow you on fb as Tabitha Swain Klucking. 10
I forgot to say "10", so redoing some commments...
I'd like a charm with a pink wrapper, light pink frosting and little roses. I think. :)
I like the little gumball machine in Peggy's shop. 10
I'm a follower! 10
10! My favorite is the chocolate one with pink icing. :)
Oh well fudge! 10... I follow you on FB!
10 - I went to Peggy's etsy shop and hearted her. I love everything!!!
10 - I follow you!
10 - I would love a pink cupcake with white sparkly frosting and purple polka dots =o) My daughter would freak out!
I went to Peggy's site and wow everything is so cute. I really like the red velvet cupcake and that adorable gumball machine. 14-4=10. Thanks for the chance to win.
the bright colored cupcakes are adorable-lampwork artists just amaze me (10).
I am a follower of your blog- a new follower 10 :)
and I am a new follower of your facebook 10
Wow= I went to her etsy store- amazing! she is very talented with her glass 10
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