So last September I did my first, and probably last, wedding table for a friend. I say last because I just don't think I have that much time to do something like that again. I loved it, but until I am rich, this will be it.
Anyway, it was for a smaller wedding of about 50 people. I took three days off work and baked my little heart out, with some help from my mom and sister. I finally got the professional pictures so I get to share them here. They were all taken by the wedding photographer
Megan Ursini. It was really nice to see some good pictures of my treats for a change. But don't get used to it, this is not that kind of blog. I do snap shots, and some times they are in focus, but usually not. Anyway I thought I would show you all the pictures then link the recipe posts to them in case you want to try making them.
I could eat these all day, I used simple black and white sprinkles. |
Simple but great,
chocolate covered pretzels.
I linked to these down below, but those are baby pies, the bride wanted a crunch so I rolled them in chocolate covered rice puffs. Oh and the black candies are Sixlets, seriously those are so good. |
This is an artistic shot. And this is why I will never be good at pictures, I am just thrilled when they are in focus. |
A close up of the vanilla ones, yummy! |
Cute baby
whoopie pies.
I made lots because it was just easier to make whole batches of items than it was to cut the recipe. So there was lots to be had. |
My mom said the ones with the regular swirl didn't look very professional. I said as long as it was vanilla and not chocolate icing, it was all good. No poop icing here, at least this time. |
This was a throw away cake stand, it was perfect to match |
The best from scratch cupcakes ever,
More rod pictures. And yes I know I am immature. No need to point it out. |
So these were the first attempt at gluten free for me, and they were killer. I was so paranoid I didn't even put sprinkles on, because I don't know if those have gluten. Do they? Please someone tell me, I don't want to google it. |
Gluten free cupcakes were the bomb!
These are my first attempt at these, and they turned out great, I have a post coming up about how to make them. Sorry I'm way behind on that one. |
This was the one and only time ever that my white chocolate melted and was perfect. And then I was cocky and thought I could do it again that way every time. Well never happened again, stupid chocolate! |
I could eat these all, only three ingredients and I have a baby donut maker so super easy. |
Super yummy, and super simple,
Nutella donuts.
Again, I got cocky, I made these once before and they turned out so I was all, I can do this no problem. They didn't turn out perfectly, but whatever, people still ate them. |
And these little
macarons that were a little over done, sorry.
Okay so I made two kinds of brownies, using the same brownie base. I found that awesome chocolate frosting recipe on line, and now for the life of me cannot remember where. And that stinks because Hubby actually liked the frosting. Sigh. |
Here is the base for these great
chocolate chip cookies.
And those
brownies, oh those brownie are good!
Another nice picture. |
I cut those brownies way too big, but whatever, if you cannot handle it, you need to leave it alone! |
So apparently the biggest hit was the strawberries, weird. Considering how I feel about fruit as desert. But whatever, I filled the table up a few times and then headed home to my mom and Pork Chop. I was happy to have been able to do something like this, made me feel sort of professional, but not really.

I have to stop reading your blog first thing in the morning, Sue. All of the yumminess you show always makes me hungry and I crave chocolate for the rest of the day. LOL!
Looks like a delicious spread. I haven't done a wedding yet, but get freaked out when I am asked to do anything, like a baby shower. It's just too much. I always tell them I'd be happy to help, rather than do the whole thing. ;)
I second what Lisa said, your blog just made me really hungry too. Everything looks so yummy!
amazing !! You should re-think, you are excellent at this!!!
I can see why it was a lot of work!!! You certainly did a huge dessert table and it all looks wonderful.
I've discovered a good way (for me anyway) to melt chocolate. I turn my oven on the lowest temperature and heat up a pyrex mixing bowl in it. I add my chocolate and put it back in. Take it out to stir it and put it back in (or microwave it). If I'm worried about the chocolate cooling down I can just stick it back in the oven. And I don't have to worry about water with a double boiler. And the glass bowl stays warm a little bit so that helps, too.
Thanks Tam I will have to try that!
Beautiful! You should be so proud of that table! A tremendous amount of work and it shows!
Hi, I found your blog through Bloom's link party. I am your newest follower. A follow back to Carole's Chatter would be fantastic. Hope you are having a good week.
Looks Yummy!
OMG, these all look adorable! I would have come home with a stomach ache from that wedding, that's for sure ;) And I mean that in the best possible way, I wouldn't be able to stop myself from trying all these little delicious treats!
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