My only pick, because I suck, but there is a lot of info here, I promise. |
Before we get started I want to remind you all to enter my give away that I have going on.
So this will be the second time I have made marshmallows, and then covered them in chocolate. It also makes it the second time I have used my candy thermometer, you know, the one I got over 10 years ago ( or something) and never used? So I really wanted to go big, and I figured as long as I was going to have everything out to make them, I might as well experiment and try different flavours. I didn't do any progress pictures because my last post had them, so you can check them out here.
I spent a Friday evening with Pork Chop making these. I made these a few weeks ago, but you know, being on time with my posts is not something I do. Also I have to admit doing things in advance really works for me as I am as of today way behind so having back up posts helps a lot! Anyway he was all set to help, then decided X Box was more interesting. I was okay with that, because I was working with boiling sugar and it made me nervous to have him in the kitchen. So it all worked out. And he again asked to try one, and again spit it out. But I am not surprised, I made him try a small one, saving the big ones for me.
So my plan of action was this, I was going to make vanilla bean, coffee and Irish cream flavored marshmallows then dip them in chocolate. I was also going to try and make them all a normal size. Just keep in mind I said try, because some of them were still monsters. But they tasted really good!
So to start off, I used the same Martha Stewart recipe I used last time and just sort of tweaked it. Also I used my kitchen aid and the last time I thought I was burning the motor out as it slowed down near the end. Turns out that the marshmallow was just so sticky that was slowing it down, the motor was fine. So just in case you worry, it's all good.
So I used this basic recipe then did my own thing, sort of. The Irish cream ones were tricky and I will totally use the concentrated flavor next time. But I will tell you what I did and whatnot as I go.
Adapted from Martha Stewart
-2 1/2 TBSPs unflavoured gelatin ( this worked out to be 3 envelopes for me)
-1 cup water, split
-1 1/2 cup white sugar
-1 cup light corn syrup
-1/4 TSP salt
-1 TBSP Flavor of choice
-icing sugar for dusting
So I did exactly what I did in this last post for my vanilla bean marshmallows, I just upped the vanilla bean paste to 1 1/2 TBPS, so you got a bit more of it. I think if you use fake vanilla you should use less, but the paste is perfect this way.
When making the marshmallows, I would follow the directions as I put them before, melt the gelatin in 1/2 cup water. Then melt the sugar, corn syrup, salt and water until the sugar is dissolved, then heat until they reach the right temperature. Then whisk them all together until they are about triple in volume. Then add the flavor you are using. I found that the motor speeds up with the flavor then slows again as it thickens again.
For the coffee marshmallows I just added 1/2 TBSP of this flavoring oil. I did not want the flavor to over power the marshmallow, so you may want more or less.
Then the big mistake was the Irish cream ones. I had about 1/4 cup of the real stuff left over from all the other Irish cream things I had made. So I thought that and 1 splash of vanilla would be perfect. But once I added it to the marshmallows the mix was so liquid like and I panicked, so I sprinkled in another pocket of gelatin powder, and that didn't thicken it up at all. But I figure it would take time to thicken so I went with it. I found it very fluid and it was like a syrup going into the pan.
I left all three pans out over night, the coffee and vanilla bean were perfect. The Irish cream was thinner and I think I lost a lot of the air. Also it really stuck to the pan as I guess the liquidity of it pushed the powdered sugar around and it stuck to the pan. So I had to pull it out and it was still tasty. It had a spongy texture, not as light as the rest. So it was a fail in that sense, but it tasted boozy, so you can sort of forgive it right? I know booze makes everything right, so that is what I say. Next time I would replace the water I dissolved the gelatin in with the booze, or at least half and half water and booze.
Anyway, I also found an easier way to cut and dust the marshmallows. I used my pizza cutter again then with an extra cake pan filled with a cup of icing sugar I pulled them apart and tossed them in there. Then just shook them off. It was much easier than the way I did it last time. I took each piece and rolled it one at a time, so you know I learned something.
I then just dipped them in melted candy melts, and for the coffee ones drizzled with white candy melts, and the Irish cream got green candy drizzle of coarse. I left the vanilla bean ones with just plain chocolate. I had so many I brought lots to both works, I gave some to my son's tutor and some to my friend who is pregnant and needs sugar. I also sent some to work with my hubby, you for the very first time tried something I made, and liked it! I know the world may stop turning.
So I think this opens up a lot of options for me, I may even tint my marshmallows next time, you know, just because I can. Again sorry for the lack of pictures, I think I was so excited with them all I just forgot to get more.

everything always looks so good on your blog!! like I said wish I lived next door to you!!!
I'm thinking you need to send your blog readers a care package, Sue! :)
Yummy Sue! love your presentation.
OH MY HECK! After my day today at work I'll take about a dozen! They look delicious!!!!
they look great!
You should move near me, then you could bake for me. LOL
I don't even like marshmallows and you make these sound wonderful! LOL
Now I really want to make marshmallows! Yum!
this looks delicious!! i have a candy thermometer but am always too afraid to use it. i may just have to try some of these...
These are definitely on my list to make. I just need to find a substitute for corn syrup.
wow these look amazing! I'm impressed that you made your own marshmallows. I'm not a huge fan but would love to have a go especially now I have your tips to guide me (and lovely step by step photos on the first post) ps If you are interested in linking up to our event AlphaBakes, the letter this month is M ... for marshmallows. Details here
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