It looks way more impressive in real life I promise. And my counter is not super shiny and weird, that is plastic wrap. |
So Pork Chop goes through fazes where he will eat something every day, the same for like months. It all started with green olives when he was just a little pork chop, around 1 year old. I remember taking him to Costco and he was sitting in the shopping cart. We got a huge bottle of green olives, it was like half his size, and he hugged that bottle until we had to pay for it, and even then he didn't want to let go. So my kid may have food issues.
This is the ice cream sandwich maker, so you use it to cut out cookies and then you put the bottom on and make your sandwich. And I figured this out all by myself, there were no instructions. |
Anyway last year it was ice cream sandwiches. You now the ones, with the chocolate cookie and vanilla ice cream. He could not get enough, me well I would sneak one now and then, but he could eat them until the cows came home. Which really makes no sense as we have no cows coming home, as far as I know.
So this summer when I was at the store I saw these cute ice cream sandwich makers I was all "I need those!" But for once I was good, they were $10 for the set of three, but I knew it would be another one of those gadgets I get and then forget to use. But when I went back in the fall and they were on sale for $2, well that right there makes them something I need. So I got them, and promptly forgot about them.
Here you can see the cookies, they spread out a bit when baking so I have hot stamped them, or whatever you call it. You know when they come out of the oven and you cut them with the cutter again. Anyway this is it, before I broke off the extra bits. |
I was planning to make cookies for Pork Chops class, and I figured I might as well kill two birds with one stone. And I have no idea why this post has me using all these weird phrases. I promise I have not been drinking; yet. And no birds were killed in the making of this post. I may have baked some chicken for Pork Chops diner, but I did not kill it, with or without a stone.
So I was grabbing stuff out of my pantries and I saw the ice cream sandwich makers and I thought heck we just got some ice cream, why not.
So the maker has a bottom on it, so I put that one, and stuffed a cookie inside. |
I didn't make too many as these were not going to work, it's hard to transport ice cream, and I also didn't want to share my ice cream. So I did what any normal person would do, I made 4. There may be 3 of us, but I know 1 will go to Pork Chop, he will bite it then say gross. 1 will sit in the freezer for months while Hubby keeps telling me he will try it. And the other 2? Well I ate one already, and I have plans to eat the other one too. So it makes perfect sense to make 4.
I just put a small scoop of ice cream in, and it doesn't have to be level, the ice cream sandwich maker will do that for you. |
I used my favorite sugar cookie recipe that I got from I am Baker.
Here is one of my old posts with the recipe. Now I love this recipe, I think it's because I know what to expect and that it is going to work usually. I really want to try a chocolate roll out cookie. I did chocolate chip roll outs once, and they were awesome, so I need to try new things.
Then you just smoosh another cookie on top. |
Anyway I rolled out my cookies, not too thick, and then cut them with the cutter. I baked them then once they came out I cut the hot cookies again. This ensures that they are the perfect size. If you don't cut them they won't fit into the maker and you will be upset with your life. Trust me on that one.
And then you just put the plunger thing in and push down to make it all even and compact. Then you pull the bottom off and push it all the way out. |
So once they were cooled I broke off the edges and took out my ice cream. For some reason the ice cream was really nice and soft. It could be the fact I had been opening the freezer over and over to bake my cookies, but either way it was perfect. If you have a hard ice cream, take it out of the freezer and let it melt enough so you can spread it a bit.
So I put one cookie into the maker, I put the flat side up so the nicer side was facing out. I then put a scoop of ice cream, not too much as I didn't want to make it so big. Then another cookie, flat side against the ice cream. Then you use the plunger to push it all together to make it a nice even sandwich. I laid out some plastic wrap, took the bottom off the maker and pushed the sandwich out. It looked perfect! I then wrapped it up and froze it.
It actually takes a good amount of pressure as it spreads out the ice cream. |
Now I ate one and it was not too bad, the ice cream was really soft and the cookies got a little hard, so it sort of squished out. Also we only had mint chocolate chip ice cream, and the flavour was not the best for this cookie. I think a plain rich chocolate would have been perfect. Or even a chocolate cookie. Either way, it was not bad and I think it was fun and easy to do. I can see making these again for all sorts of themes and flavor combinations.
Ta-da!!!! |
Anyway for the $2 I paid for three different molds, you cannot go wrong.
I put them in the freezer like this, we should take bets on how long they sit there before they get tossed out:( |
Yum! Those definitely wouldn't be in my freezer for long. :)
I so want one!!!! They look so GOOD!!!
Ha! Neat. I've never seen that. Thanks for sharing.
I bet Pork Chop had not problem eating these :)
Oh yum! I could never live at your house -I would be in serious trouble!
I would never say no! Even my husband couldn't resist these. ;)
What a neat idea :) I love those little molds! Thanks for sharing at All my Bloggy Friends. I'm looking forward to seeing what you share this week! :)
Love this idea!
Thank you so much for sharing this at Wednesday Extravaganza! I hope to see you there again this week :)
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